Preconception/Postnatal Care

At A. Butler Chiropractic, we are a practice that desires to service its community empowering women to support themselves, their bodies, and their families. Our focus is on the phases of care throughout womanhood, with special emphasis on preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum care.

The treatments offered in our office are Mercier Therapy, The Shared Fertility Journey Program, Webster Technique, Functional Mobility for Women, the C-Section Recovery Program and postnatal care.

Preconception/Postnatal Care:

Let’s talk about Mercier Therapy.

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This therapy has a multitude of powerful benefits for women. The primary focus of this technique is on infertility and preconception treatment. Mercier therapy and the Shared Fertility Journey Program, utilized together, offer many benefits to those who are trying to conceive. This technique is also extremely beneficial for those who are recovering after giving birth, even if they had a Cesarean section. The C-Section Recovery Program is extremely beneficial to decreasing scar tissue and pains associated with the recovery process. 

WOMEN…This technique can also help those with female related surgical history! Pelvic abdominal work can be beneficial after recovering from surgeries that left you with residual discomfort in the lower abdominal region and associated pelvic musculature.

Mercier Therapy can be performed as a stand alone treatment. It would entail 6 full hours broken into 1 hour intervals per week for 6 weeks.