Postnatal Care
How soon can you obtain care?
Gentle techniques are always available, which means you could stop on your way home from the hospital to get treatment! However, most woman find comfort in allowing time to heal and adapt to their new body and prefer to obtain treatment within 10 days after giving birth.
Don’t be left in the dark with all of the changes your body just experienced. The fourth trimester of pregnancy is a highly neglected time of care. You don’t need to feel like you should “know it all”, understand what your body is doing, or whatever you are feeling is “normal”. Trying to do this all on your own, without help, can lead to frustration, anxiety, depression, and extra stress that you do not need during this amazing time in your life! Obtaining postpartum care at A.Butler Chiropractic is a great way to receive comfortable chiropractic care, along with a support system, which is set in a safe place, making your transition in motherhood more comfortable for you! Let us help you as you begin this wonderful journey!
What techniques apply to you?
Chiropractic techniques vary depending your needs. We tailor each treatment to your comfort level, and it is based on your birth experience. All chiropractic techniques listed on the chiropractic web page can be utilized to fit your individual needs.
Mercier Therapy can also be utilized 6 weeks after the giving birth to allow healing process to be established.
How will you benefit from postpartum care?
Your body just created a miracle and you just changed as a woman. Let us help you make the transition into motherhood easier. Whether it is your first or fourth child, each pregnancy and labor is different, so allows us to help today! Take power over your postpartum care at A. Butler Chiropractic.