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Chiropractic Care
What to expect?
We Will Begin With a Thorough Evaluation
Dr. Butler or Dr. Jess will take the time to evaluate you, creating a specialized treatment plan for each client. They have the ability to treat you with a variety of techniques, utilizing the correct pressure for each patient. The combination of the correct chiropractic methods and years of training makes for a safe experience and effective treatment tailored for you. Prior to treatment, they will complete a comprehensive examination including a thorough health history, various orthopedic examinations, and the right amount of time to determine your comfort level.
Chiropractic Modalities
This is a widely used type of chiropractic manipulation/adjustment that includes most of the procedures taught at chiropractic schools. This is the most commonly used of all chiropractic techniques and is the one probably most familiar to patients. The Diversified manipulation/adjustment entails a high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust that usually results in a cavitation of a joint (quick, shallow thrusts that cause the popping noise often associated with a chiropractic manipulation/adjustment).
“This technique is highly utilized in our office. Even manual manipulation can be tailored with pressure to keep the patient comfortable.”
Activator Methods
This is a hand-held, spring-loaded instrument-based manipulation/adjustment protocol. Instead of the manipulating/adjusting forces being delivered by hand, force is generated with the small appliance that delivers a lighter, but quicker, thrust that can be delivered by hand. An activator can be used as a primary treatment protocol for all patients, or a selective method for patients who may not desire manual manipulation/adjustment or where manual manipulation/adjustment may be contraindicated.
“We love this technique for those who cannot tolerate high-velocity adjustments, for those who prefer lighter adjustment styles, and who do not like to be ‘cracked’. It is used most commonly in my office on infants and the elderly.”
Thompson Drop Table
This is a specific chiropractic method, and is a variation of the Diversified technique, that uses a special table with several segments, called drop pieces. These segments can be cocked up a fraction of an inch, so when the thrust is delivered, the table will drop this fraction of an inch. The object of the drop is to distract (open) the joint during adjustment. The drop pieces assist the thrust while minimizing the force required for the adjustment. Cavitation of the joint may or may not occur.
“We utilize this technique more frequently for those who do not tolerate side posture adjustments.”
Sacro Occipital Technique
This is a specific chiropractic technique (SOT) that uses triangular-shaped blocks, usually placed under the pelvis of the prone patient, to treat problems identified in the low back. Low force and slow pressure types of manipulations/adjustments may be used to address joint problems identified in the skull. SOT may be used as an exclusive treatment technique or as an adjunct method of patient care.
“In my opinion, this is the gentlest adjustment with the most resounding effects.”
Many of our clients even prefer to blend many of these techniques to adjust to their comfort level!