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Functional Movement

Importance of Functional Movement

At A. Butler Chiropractic, we want to serve the community by empowering the individual to live an optimal life. Functional Movement can assist with the following…

·         Posture & Tone

·         Stability & Balance

·         Range of Motion

·         Core strength

·         Injury prevention


What is Functional Movement


Functional movements are the bases for everything we do. If there is a dysfunctional movement, it can lead to incorrect patterns in your body causing issues from headaches, constipation, low back pain to ankle sprains. At A. Butler Chiropractic, Dr. Jess is trained in evaluating and training proper functional movement. She has completed training at the National Academy of Sports Medicine and CrossFit. With time spent playing various sports, learning anatomy, and specific training, she can apply this knowledge to develop programs to aide in functional movement improvements.

Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.”
— Moshe Feldenkrais

How to Get Started

The assessment is the first step. As a patient you will go through a posture analysis and four functional movement screens. A brief history will be taken, and a goal will be set. Dr. Jess will take all the information gathered at the assessment and apply it to four simple exercises that can be done at home with minimal to no equipment. The next step will be for Dr. Jess to go over all these exercises with you to ensure that they are done with proper form.

Small steps in the right direction can turn out to be the biggest step of your life.
— Anonymous

Long term dysfunctional movement patterns can lead to long term structural issues. This can happen in your body; just as foundational issues can lead to structural issues in your home. To help your body with structural issues, chiropractic care is always the best care. Every structure, including your body, needs to have a strong foundation, which for the body is the spine. To learn how to get or keep a strong foundation click here.


Integrating Massage into Functional Movement

Integral care with chiropractic and proper functional movement is therapeutic massage. Therapeutic massage will help ease muscle tension, muscle soreness, injury, or muscle imbalance. Muscles are the support system for the body and how we move. To learn more about the care of your body’s support system click here.