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Pediatric Care
At A. Butler Chiropractic we believe in caring for the entire family!
Dr. Butler is passionate about treating newborns, infants, and young children with safe, effective, and gentle manipulation learned through her studies with the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA)
Most techniques utilized on the chiropractic web page can be tailored to fit treatment required for infants, toddlers, and adolescent children.
Photo Credits https://icpa4kids.com/
Craniosacral Therapy
Chiropractic cranial care is best for on newborns immediately after birth and within the first three months of care. Most cranial changes happen within the first three months of life due to the infant spending the majority of their time in the supine (flat) position. At times, the baby runs out of space in utero or during the birthing process, which can place strain on the cranium and associated neck musculature. The cranial technique is best done prior to the fusion of the cranial bones, which happens just prior one year of age. Adjustments at this age are so gentle that most infants sleep throughout their first adjustment.
Newborn/Infant craniosacral therapy is very gentle and can help with assisting the bones of the head to become more normally placed. Babies from birth to 9 months that have a flattened spot on the back of the head which is usually due to something called positional plagiocephaly. PP can occur from the baby lying on their back too much which then starts the bones of the head to shift into a forward and flattened position.
The therapy is applied by holding the infants head in different positions allowing for movement of the cranial bones and no more than the weight of a dime. Babies usually are very comfortable and love receiving the therapy.
I recommend that parents bring in their infant as soon as a flattened spot is recognized. The sooner the better. The bones of a baby’s head are able to move easily when they are very young due to the sutures between the bones being so soft. A little light contact is applied and parents are encouraged to apply the same movements at home for the best results.