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 Looking to join a group of health-minded, yet realistic, supportive people? You are in the right place. Our next community group detox with be in May 2025. Put your email in below to be added to our waitlist and be the first to get the information once we settle on the start date. Or you can do a self-guided detox on your own if you don’t want to wait to get started.

 Some signs & symptoms that your body is telling you that your liver may need some detoxing….

  1. Fatigue

  2. Weight Gain

  3. Skin Changes

  4. Cycle Irregularities

  5. Hormone Changes

  6. Constipation

 What is detoxing? Detoxing is different than just a cleanse. Detoxing is getting deeper in the cells and creating the atmosphere in your body for it to release toxins and expel them alleviating your toxin load. When you lessen your toxic load, your body is able to function at more optimal levels.

Join our next Community Group Detox

Learn more HERE about what you can expect from joining the Detox with Dr. Amber program.

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You can schedule a one-on-one health consultation with Dr. Amber.

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Detox Client Testimonials…

Okay, I won’t lie. I kept watching and watching everyone talk about this detox but wouldn’t commit. Well not outloud anyway.

Most of it was me being stuck in my own head and thinking 3 weeks is such a LONG time. But… doing it a group (definitely behind the scenes) ended up being just what I needed. If I had a question I could have reached out but it was pretty self explanatory and they did a great job getting me ready for the next phase of the detox and mentally prepared me for what to “expect” on any given day.

I have an extensive surgical history and my body always feels like it’s full of inflammation. So I figured what the heck. What do I have to lose? I ended up losing 20lbs! But more than that I felt better.

Now who doesn’t wanna lose weight but it was better for me to have the mindset of “getting healthier” and not to “lose weight”.

I had more energy. I slept more comfortably (usually my pain wakes me). I didn’t need my caffeine and realized I can live without it!

At the end of it. I was proud of myself for doing and getting out of my comfort zone. Try it. I’m glad I did. Dr. Amber and Dr. Jess keep it light and easy so you don’t have to feel awkward too!

So I have done more than one variation of either a diet or something similar to this detox. But my cousin talked me into trying it. I have to admit I was impressed! I thought it can’t be any harder than I did the keto.

But I’m glad I did this and I will look forward to doing it again. It helped put me in check. It taught me how to do things more balanced aka healthier. I am a mom of two and my body is no longer like what it used to be. So it was refreshing to do something different. I wasn’t even aiming to feel better in all of my sore spots but all of my joints are better!

There were some things that I didn’t 100% as recommended by the detox. And I am still happy with my results. I was also happy to have a little bit of flexibility for my first time detox

Gone are the days that I used to be able to eat what I want and do what I want. I waited till later in life to have children, which was also the same time my body betrayed me and my metabolism slowed down. I struggle with thyroid issues, which also does not help my weight gain. I just don’t seem to be able to lose any weight. So I decided to try a liver detox and see what happened.

I would love to tell you that I lost 20 pounds but I did not. But I also know I needed to cut out majority of my comfort zone foods and caffeine intake. Let’s be honest my comfort zone “things” doesn’t do me any favors. However, I am not a quit cold turkey kinda girl.

At the end of detox, i had to look at the baby steps I won. I remind myself that I’m sleeping better. I feel less stressed. And my gut likes me a little bit better. I have done a couple of similar in the past but the this detox was so much easier because it gave me a day-to-day guide to work with. I love the live detox group, but to be honest, I don’t really participate in it. Maybe one day.

So if anybody feels like I do in their 40s, trying to lose weight, while still trying to balance a family life, this detox is user-friendly. I even survived three weeks! each time I detox, my dietary changes get better and last longer. The first time I detox, I jumped right back into my old habits. By the way, that is not recommended. But it is a great starting point and great way to show where I need work and that I can do it!

When I first decided to do this detox a few years ago, I thought what the heck…what do I have to lose. It was at the point my life where I didn’t have any young children and I could take better care of myself. I’ve always been a healthy.-er and exercised regularly.

Then I had a kid later in life and it felt like it threw my whole routine and body out of whack. I haven’t seen like I could get back on track so I decided to try the liver detox. I actually do this 2 to 3 times a year now. When I feel like my diet has gone off course. I always do three weeks because it’s how I feel my best. The 10 day one never seems like enough of a reset.

It helps me get back on track with mail prep, water, intake, and so on and so forth. I’m an all in kinda person. I’m glad I do them now and have access to a group that allows me to jump on the bandwagon when needed to keep me


I had no idea what I was getting myself into but I signed up anyway. I always talk a big game but now it was time to put my money where my mouth was. I had no idea how much better I would feel.

I am a hard working individual and have abused my body over the years. So I’ve got what I got but amazingly enough the detox still helped! I’m glad I did it. It was easy and the doctors at A. Butler Chiropractic are great. They know my medical history and made the detox enjoyable. Some days it was nice to know I wasn’t the only one struggling. Misery loves company, right? But I listened to every live. Did my best and DID IT. I even did better than I expected. 10/10 recommend giving it a try.