C-Section Recovery & Scar Release Program
According to the CDC in 2010 Cesarean births were done at a rate of nearly 40% in the United States. While many of these c-sections are done for convenience of the provider and failed induction there are occasions when the c-section procedure is needed to safely birth a baby and that is in a malpresentation such as breech or as a medical emergency.
Once the c-section is done and a woman has been released from medical or midwifery care than there are little to no suggestions made as to help with the recovery process.
During the cesarean delivery a horizontal incision is made to the lower segment of the uterus which can cause a significant amount of scar tissue and start the front of the uterus adhering to the back of the bladder. This type of scar tissue can cause a restriction of movement and ultimately lessen blood flow to the entire pelvic area. This can cause secondary fertility challenges.
Our c-section recovery program can help you start to rehabilitate 6 weeks after your surgery. You must have your physicians clearance and no wound gaping, active infection or significant pain at the incision site.